The WORLD ART Movement exists to inspire people to maximize their potential, with special emphasis upon figure skating, as the world's most artistic sport, blending Fine, Performing, Decorative, and Recording Arts. According to experts, ice skating is the oldest form of human powered transportation, now figure skating transports people, worldwide, through The Arts.
WORLD ART is a museum collection of ancient to contemporary art, specializing in jewels or decorative art. WORLD ART has an App, and art evaluation system, and many affiliated organizations and artists, such as The World Figure Sport Society, Art of The Olympians, Roy Blakey Collection, The Fabulous Ice Age. The World Figure & Fancy Skating Championships, The Olympic Regional Development Authority, The Toller Cranston Legacy, Dorothy Hamill, and others.
Figure skating is believed to be the oldest form of human powered transportation, stretching back over 5,000 years. Today, skating on the ice, "figure skating" unites Fine. Performing, Decorative, and Recording Arts, and transports us inspirationally through The Arts.
Seen here, Shepherd Clark's skates tracing a 1-2 millimeter line on the ice during a figure performed in competition. He is the most decorated skater, male or female, in World Figure Sport Society's history. Known for tracing incredibly close, Mr. Clark preserves an ancient art form, where skaters create pictures and pattern on the ice, then try to trace them. This sport, and art form, was the first Winter Olympic sport ever exhibited, which was in London, in 1908 at The Summer Olympic Games in a chilled indoor ice arena, a new technology of the era. WORLD ART places figure skating at center stage of WORLD ART, as it is a unique blend of The Arts, an artistic
sport, and global mainstream entertainment. Ice skating was also an official pastime of Kings, Queens, and Emperors, for centuries.

WORLD ART boasts many fascinating affiliates, such as Art of The Olympians, Founded by Al Oerter, a four time Olympic Gold Medalist and modern artist, with his wife, Cathy Oerter, along with a host of Olympic Icons, and Olympian, Prince Albert of Monaco. Art of The Olympians is a globally significant collection of works by artists who happen to be Olympic athletes, some professional, and others hobbyists, yet they all use their art to inspire maximizing one's potential. In addition, Art of The Olympians hosts gatherings that are intended to promote participation in The Arts as well as to educate and inspire youths to produce and to collect art, seeing the relevance and value of Arts to our world, and for a richer life. This collection, and its fabulous backstory, are unique, as a museum mission.
Cathy Oerter is the Chair of Art of The Olympians, as her husband Al Oerter, tragically passed away in 2012.
WORLD ART was Founded by Shepherd Clark, known best internationally as an elite figure skater, as well as an entrepreneur. Mr. Clark was inspired to create The WORLD ART Movement so that artists could have an award culture, like he had in figure skating, which was a great help in maximizing his potential. WORLD ART is an art evaluation system based upon "Relevance", "Originality", and "Mastery". Mr. Clark's family is an art dynasty spanning more than 100 years of producing, collecting, and patronizing art organizations. Today, The WORLD ART Collection boasts works, ancient to contemporary, and affiliate organizations with works, specific to an art genre, Arts history, as well as many performing artist affiliations. Shepherd Clark creates jeweled art, designs jewels, and collections of jewels to assist causes, sharing the fabulous legends, which are associated with the history of jewels, and treasures.

Suzanne Shelley Clark is the mother of Shepherd Clark who was inducted into The World Figure Sport Hall of Fame and Museum posthumously, as an extraordinary person, being the mother of an artist, Shepherd Clark, who, over about half a century, went from weak in the compulsory figures, to be known as the leading figure of the preservation of the history of the sport, via The World Figure Sport Society. Known to support artists and art organizations, Mrs. Clark was a collector of art and supporting art organizations. Her dedication and compassion were famous in art and in social circles. A distinctive award was created in her honor in 2020 just after she passed away, named "The Suzanne Shelley Clark Award", presented to extraordinary individuals. World Figure Sport Society preserves a very special part of skating history, and that is: Family. Skating has a unique recreational, familial, social, courting history.
"The Fabulous Ice Age" is a spectacular documentary about the full history of skating shows, which is known to be the zenith of figure skating culture. Sonja Henie was known to be "Queen of Ice", the individual who was most instrumental for the global popularity of the sport of figure skating, as a result of her three titles at The Olympic Games, fabulous Hollywood film career, and for Founding an important modern art museum in Oslo Norway. Keri Pickett, "The Fabulous Ice Age" producer, magnificently presents the story of skating shows, starring her uncle, Roy Blakey, a famous show skater from the "golden age" of figure skating. Roy Blakey is known worldwide to possess the greatest of collections of rare skating memorabilia, on top of his accomplishments as an internationally famous artist of photography, primarily based in New York. Mr, Blakey and his niece, Keri Pickett, occupy a unique status and importance in the multi-century of Figure Skating Arts.